Kharma's World

Gun Control tactics: the attack on your 2nd Amendment right

We have all heard the old adage, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” Many of us have even used it before meaningfully. Now, with all...

APS: The cost of Black life according to Amerikkka

It is safe to say that in America, you can be a white man and have sex with children (Jared Fogle) and only get a slap...

Kim Davis and Rosa Parks? There is no comparison.

  In Rowan County Kentucky, a court clerk by the name of Kim Davis has caused quite a stir. She has made national news all because...

Why I stopped doing independent artist exclusives

  When I first started Kharma’s world 6 years ago, I used to do indie-artist exclusives. This is when I would basically take an independent artist...

Fukk your morals, just “slut-shame” your damn self!

  I am convinced that my mind has got to be the size of a sweet pea. I just don’t understand… As a matter of fact… Whhhhhhhhhyyyyyy?...

Fatback Shea Butter

  They are loading our Shea Butter with animal fat… You read correctly. The above picture is my actual proof. When I first looked at the...

Political Pimpin: The Sandra Bland Situation

This case is shrouded in so much mystery that the public is trying to decide if Sandra Bland did indeed kill herself, was murdered, or is...

How the Confederate Flag will start another Civil War

If America truly cared about the Confederate flag‘s meaning to Black people, they would never have let it be produced, sold, and allowed on every Capital’s...