Tagged: injustice

Why does race matter?

Why does race matter?

There is just way too much energy hitting the planet in 2013. Tensions are rising from nearly everything. Nothing is off limits. Whether it’s gas prices,...

I am Valuable

I am valuable is more than just a positive affirmation, It is a simple sentence that many of us in society rarely think. What do we...

Vanessa -Honey-Malone

R.I.P Vanessa “Honey” Malone

When I saw her picture and I read the story about Vanessa “Honey” Malone, I got so angry. Really, wtf is the media even for nowadays?...


I remember growing up in North Carolina and first seeing it there. It was the early 90’s. One of the teenagers in the hood, that I...

Hottentot Hip Hop: ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS…

The fascination with the black woman and her backside has been one that I personally remember as a little girl. You always notice the sista with...