10 Reasons why you should date yourself

The world is fast-paced and filled with obligations. With so many responsibilities, it’s easy to forget about our own needs and desires. One thing that I have learned in my few decades on this planet is, you have to make time for self. It is essential to prioritize self-love and self-care. Damn dying because people can’t handle themselves with the proper care. One powerful way to do this is by “dating” yourself. Yes, you read that right! Date yo’ gotdamn self. Fall in love with YOU. Taking yourself out on dates and investing time and effort in self-discovery is transformative as fukk. Don’t believe me? Here are ten compelling reasons why you should embrace the concept of dating yourself and learn to love your own company.

1. Self-Discovery

Dating yourself creates an incredible opportunity for self-discovery. Spending quality time alone allows you to explore your interests, passions, and values without external influences. It helps you better understand who you are as an individual, fostering personal growth and self-awareness. You owe it to yourself to fall in love with your awesomeness. How can anyone worthy of loving you step in if you don’t know and love yourself, first?

2. Independence

When you date yourself, you become more self-reliant and independent. You learn to make decisions based solely on your own preferences, desires, and needs. What do you like? What do you need? Independence empowers you to be more confident and assertive in all areas of your life. Hell, Webbie wrote a song about it!🤷🏽‍♀️


3. Self-Care

Dating yourself encourages self-care. Taking yourself out for a spa day, treating yourself to some great food, or simply spending a quiet evening reading your favorite book are all acts of self-love. You have the power to determine and control what self-care looks like for YOU. It’s important to prioritize self-care and nourish your mind, body, and soul. You can self-care any time but that shit hits different when you’re solo dolo.

4. Unleash Creativity

Spending time alone can spark your creativity in unexpected ways. Engaging in activities like writing, painting, or exploring new hobbies provides a creative outlet and allows you to tap into your inner artistry. Dating yourself lets you express your unique thoughts and ideas freely.

5. Freedom and Flexibility

When you’re dating yourself, you have the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want. You can be spontaneous, explore new places, or simply enjoy your own company. This freedom allows you to fully embrace the present moment without worrying about anyone else’s expectations or needs.

6. Self-Reflection

Dating yourself creates an environment for self-reflection. It’s a time to pause, evaluate your life, and set goals for the future. By taking a step back and looking inward, you can gain valuable insights and make positive changes to enhance your well-being.

7. Emotional Independence

Learning to enjoy your own company helps you become emotionally independent. You’ll no longer rely solely on others for validation or happiness. This emotional independence leads to healthier relationships, as you’ll bring a sense of fulfillment and contentment to your interactions with others.

8. Increased Confidence

Spending quality time with yourself boosts your self-confidence. When you genuinely enjoy your own company, you radiate a positive energy that attracts others. Work on your discernment as well while you are at it… Building confidence through self-dating allows you to navigate social situations easily and authentically.

9. Enhanced Self-Esteem

Dating yourself fosters a deep sense of self-esteem and self-worth. It’s an opportunity to treat yourself with kindness, compassion, and respect. Embracing self-love and appreciating your own unique qualities and strengths will lead to a happier and more fulfilling life.

10. Setting Healthy Boundaries

Dating yourself helps you establish healthy boundaries in relationships. By understanding your own needs and desires, you’ll be better equipped to communicate and assertively express your boundaries with others. This leads to more balanced and fulfilling connections with those around you.
The world often encourages us to seek validation and happiness externally. I’m here as your big homie screaming: FUKK THAT SHIT! Dating yourself serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of self-love and self-care. Embracing the concept of self-dating allows you to deepen your relationship with yourself, leading to personal growth, enhanced self-esteem, and healthier relationships. So, take yourself out on a date, celebrate your uniqueness, and discover the incredible person you truly are. You owe yourself at least that much.

Written by

BlaqKharma is a devoted mother, artist, and entrepreneur. You can get her RAW perspective here about any and everything under the sun. You can also purchase her vegan personal care products and original art @ flowersnflames.com

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