Kharmas’s Perspective: The Shawty lo reatily show AXXXED!!!

Oxygen nearly started a riot when they seriously  attempted the concept of a reality show entitled: All My Babies’ Mama’s. This show is based around the life of Atlanta  rapper/producer Shawty Lo. He has 11 kids by ten different women . When I first heard the buzz going on about this show, I literally thought it was a joke. I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that Oxygen was entertaining the idea of this fukkery or the fact that television has reached this level. There are plenty of things on television that is garbage but this is degrading. It is demoralizing on another level. I am not feeling the idea of showing a black man with all these children with all of these different women, for what?  It doesn’t matter if he takes care of them or not, we don’t need to see that. The whole concept is a slap in the face to tell you the truth. This makes “Flavor of Love” look like a walk in the park on your lunch break. The last thing that we need is more bullshit programming that  seems to be designed to distract and perpetuate stereotypes.  We paint the image that it’s cool to be wild and that life’s actions doesn’t come with consequences. Let’s be real… Somebody had to be RAW DAWGIN…

Are networks that desperate for high ratings? People are quickly selling their soul’s and all of their dignity just  to obtain or stretch out that 15 minutes of fame. Often times, after the cookie has crumbled one is left to ask,  “Is exploiting myself by tap-dancing (looking like an ass) on the newest reality brainchild worth it? I understand that everyone needs a check but, HELL!!!! Is Oxygen that hard up for ratings?  Around 2008 rumors about Shawty Lo’s health status started surfacing. The streets were saying that Shawty L-O was HIV+ and still active.  His publicist went on to release a statement in March of that year stating that he was not HIV positive but indeed a diabetic. Stories of him getting sick began to surface as well. His name was just recently in the news a few months ago for a health scare due to diabetes as it was reported. The media says one thing but the streets of Atlanta, particularly the west side, says something different. I’m not saying his status is negative or positive. That  is not my business or situation to deal with. I will say this though: Seeing how many children he has with all these women can easily support the fact that he has been…. Out there.

At the end of the day  petitions went around and were signed by the thousands. People were objecting hard to this concept. I think I can safely say that others agreed that this did not need to see the light of television. I am glad that people as a whole came together and said, “COME ON NOW, WE MUST DO BETTER.”

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BlaqKharma is a devoted mother, artist, and entrepreneur. You can get her RAW perspective here about any and everything under the sun. You can also purchase her vegan personal care products and original art @

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