W.E.R.D 60year Celebration 10/21/09–Atlanta

Strength Through Faith Community Center, Inc., The Auburn Avenue Research Library has joined in partnership with Madame C.J. Walker Museum/Gallery in an effort to bring back historic education and awareness to the Historic Auburn District. This collaboration of non-profit and soon to be non-profit organizations is sponsoring the 60th anniversary celebration of W.E.R.D. radio. October 2009 marks 60 years from the time W.E.R.D. took the airwaves and pioneered programming for the black community. The station was located on Auburn Avenue and was owned and operated by Jessie B. Blayton Sr. Mr. Blayton was also the first black CPA in the state of Georgia, president of Citizen’s Trust Bank and an esteemed professor at Atlanta University.

This collaboration of organizations is hosting their first commemorative tribute to W.E.R.D. radio, at Sweet Auburn Bistro, located at 171 Auburn Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia on Wednesday, October 21. The party will begin at 7pm. We will host a seniors event from 3 to 4pm. As special guest to the event, Hal Lamar, the Georgia resident historian on W.E.R.D. radio will appear to discuss the highlights and historical events of the station.

During the month of October 2009, as a tribute to W.E.R.D radio, Ricci De Forest along with his partnering sponsors will provide educational insight on the history of W.E.R.D. radio, its founder Jessie B. Blayton Sr. and music from 1949 to 1968.

On loan from the Madame CJ Walker Museum/Gallery will be displays of historical artifacts representing African-American culture and music of that era. Music for this event will be from the vinyl library of albums of the Madame CJ Walker Museum.

Sweet Auburn Bistro’s patrons will receive giveaway items and coupons. all proceeds from tax deductible donations will go towards bringing back W.E.R.D. radio via streaming internet and the creation of a sculpture to be erected at the site of the station on Auburn Avenue in memory of its founder Jessie B. Blayton Sr. Our goal is to bring awareness and education to our community to elevate and renew a sense of pride back in our neighborhood.

We request the local business leaders and community members to come out and pay tribute to the pioneer of the first black owned and operated radio station, and the disc jockeys that made it happen.

For more information regarding donations, sponsors, or the event, contact Ricci De Foret at: 404-518-2887 or email : [email protected]

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BlaqKharma is a devoted mother, artist, and entrepreneur. You can get her RAW perspective here about any and everything under the sun. You can also purchase her vegan personal care products and original art @ flowersnflames.com

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