On Monday, June 10th I had a horrible shopping experience at the Kroger Supermarket in Stone Mountain, Georgia (1232 S Hairston Rd, Stone Mountain, GA 30088). I arrive at the store shortly before 2pm. I thought that I was doing myself a favor going to the store at this hour because everyone is at work and there aren’t that many people shopping. I was so wrong. This was the second time that I had been to the store in a week early in the day just to find that they did not have what I was looking for on the shelf. All I wanted was the 8th continent soy milk and a specific juice that I know Kroger carried. Once I realized that I would be leaving the store without my intended purchases again, I decided to inquire with a manager on why…
I went to customer service and asked to speak to the store manager. The employee that was working asked me what was it in reference to. I found this annoying but I made sure not to be rude. “I want to know why you guys don’t have anything on the shelf this early in the day” I replied. She then proceeded to get the manager who happened to be by the self check out talking to another employee. When I voiced my concern, he looked at me as if I was crazy and said, ” I guess the people are buying up what you came in here for.” He then went on to tell me they would like to keep their shelves full and having things in stock but they can’t help what people buy. I used to work in a grocery store. True indeed, people do come a frequent the store early in the day on week days but to completely wipe the out, especially when there aren’t that many cars in the parking lot…. hmmm, someone tried to fry the catfish in hot water on this one…
To be honest with you, I feel like the manager shot me some bs and he was slick rude. His demeanor said, ” wow, are you really asking me about this?” My thing is…. The store wasn’t hardly packed. Not even a little bit. They had a few employees that were out stocking the shelves but apparently they are short handed. I asked him if he was fully staffed for his overnight stock crew. I was so serious. I wasn’t trying to go out of my way and be and ass but I was more than irritated that I burned up my gas to go to the same Kroger that apparently has poor management. What’s going on with the overnight stock crew because something isn’t right?
I do not feel as though I overreacted. I felt like he started saying things to pretty much get me out of his face. I walked away with my container of water that I brought. That was the only thing on my list that they did have out of four items. As I turned my back I said, “Thank you for NOT helping me”. I feel as though the manager was an asshole and they obviously need to hire more people. So to all my readers that are in need of a job, Holla at the Kroger off of Redan in Stone Mountain, Georgia. Here is the address: 1232 S Hairston Rd, Stone Mountain, GA 30088
Also, be sure that you tell them that Kharma sent you because they obviously need the help.
I used to frequent this Kroger when I first moved to the area and had the same problem. I got tired of having to go 3 in 4 places just to get the 5 things I needed from one Kroger. Now I go to the Kroger near Lawrenceville Highway, which seems to have a better selection.
I just saw on the news that somebody got shot up there: