Death of The Game
“The Game”, a spin off of “Girlfriends,” had unexpectedly grown to become one of my favorite shows at one point in time. This edgy sitcom originally...
“The Game”, a spin off of “Girlfriends,” had unexpectedly grown to become one of my favorite shows at one point in time. This edgy sitcom originally...
This is some footage that I got walking home one sunny afternoon. 3 kids are walking down the street dragging parts of a fence. The third...
When she decided to step down as empress of day time television, people had mixed reactions. Who was to fill her shoes? What was daytime television...
April 20, 2010 was the day of the largest oil spill in human history. This spill nearly murdered all industry life in the Gulf Coast. Everything...
Breastfeeding is one of the most beautiful and natural things in the world. A mother giving nutrients to her child is a divine experience. I honestly...
Written by: MusikArtLuv I’m not gonna lie, I have been working on this piece for a minute now. The reason is, I am a super fan...
On Friday, May 4, 2012. The world was taken by surprise at the news of the passing of Adam “MCA” Yauch. MCA was a third of...
I tuned into Power 105’s “The Breakfast club” this morning. They were doing one of my favorite segments called, “Tell em why you’re mad”. This is...