Water privatization is a contentious topic. It means shifting public water services to private companies. Advocates say...
The fight for Black Americans’ civil rights is a cornerstone of U.S. history. It is defined by...
As we near the end of the holiday season, one of my favorite content creators, Chaka Bars,...
Freedom of speech is a pillar of democracy. It is woven into the First Amendment and is...
The physical infrastructure of the United States has been collapsing for years. The country has lost much...
What do I mean when I say “The Friday pizza party” mentality? What does this have to...
YOU STILL showed up. You still patronized. You STILL tuned in… Most of all, you STILL cheered...
On Thursday, July 20, 2017 we witnessed the parole hearing for OJ Simpson. It was televised during...
Why isn’t the situation with The Sioux and the Dakota Access Pipeline getting adequate media attention? America keeps...
Putting Harriet Tubman on a $20 bill is nothing to celebrate. Now… If they were giving those...