Tagged: awareness


Dear Harriet Tubman, I am sooooo sorry…

Putting Harriet Tubman on a $20 bill is nothing to celebrate. Now… If they were giving those 20’s as reparations then yes, “CELEBRATION BITCHES!” The reality...

Jim Crow 2014

The least that I can do as a black woman is do well.  My generation is one of a few to be born under NO CEILINGS....


Was the End of Civil Rights Movement the beginning of the Death of the Revolution???

THE DEMANDS THAT WE MADE WERE NOT ENOUGH…  At the end of the day we still have no reservations, there is no more Black Wall street,...

What you didn’t know about Milk

Lactose intolerant is simply an enzyme deficiency it basically means that your body cannot break down the natural sugar that is in milk. One of the...

Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness

I remember slowly hearing the growth of the term, ” Beast Cancer”. For me, the knowledge of it came about some time in the 90’s. The...

The benefits of Cayenne Pepper

Everyone isn’t physically equipped to handle too much spicy. It takes a special person to withstand the heat and digestion of  fresh or even processed peppers...

Hottentot Hip Hop: ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS…

The fascination with the black woman and her backside has been one that I personally remember as a little girl. You always notice the sista with...